Halloween: 1980

The rousing success of the previous years’ party must have had something to do with Ann’s decision to host the party for a second year. Most of the regulars were there in 1980 along with some new faces. Paul Bankston and Mays decided this was the year to slip into something sexy; Barb Miltenberger brought The King back to life for a few hours.

The bounds of taste were stretched to the limit in 1980. Tommy Crunk as African Dictator Idi Amin; RP as a well done Richard Pryor; Jan Miltenberger found a way to portray George Brett’s famous hemorrhoid; and Lew Miltenberger as Leon Spinks. And just what Pam Bankston was going for with her “I Put Out More Than Anybody” costume is a mystery to this day. I include it here for her children.

In some ways, this was the last of the great Halloween parties. We had another in 1981 but it had become work and much of the magic was gone.


Top Row: Chuck Ernst, (unknown), Jan Miltenberger, Barb Miltenberger, Mark Shetley, Ann Hicklin, Evertt Mobly, (unknown), Superman (unknown)  Front Row: Woman (unknown) Judy Ernst, Libby Mobly, Jim Bob Green, Barb Green, Beth Miltenberger, Donna Petty, Mays


Back Row: Diane Thomason, Joann Peck, Charlie Peck, Jim Warrington, Sue Warrington, Ghoul (unknown), Terry Chasteen Middle Row: Sandy Crunk, Paul Bankston, Tommy Crunk, Frankinstein (unknown) Kathy Johnson, Indian (unknown), John Robison Seated: Ann Hicklin, Rhoel Johnson, Larry Thomason.